Pioneer 11/10 and the Solar Mass.
Even though the
auto-called *scientific Community* accept, in a big proportion, that the
Pioneer anomaly is related to its radioactive engine, there is another Satellite,
the Ulysses orbiting the Sun, which show that the engine approach is absolutely
erroneous. Ulysses has a positive acceleration when it is approaching the Sun
and a negative one when it is moving away from it.
Ulysses orbiting the Sun. (Image from NASA, Hubble Satellite
NASA, using the
Assist Dynamics, provided de force to send the Pioneer outside the Solar System
but it is the Sun who has the traveling absolute control after the NASA force
stopped. Really Nature, as a whole, is what has the total control because the
Satellite’s measured velocity depends on the equation used to find it. NASA is
erroneously using the old static Newton
Celestial Mechanics and the so called anomaly doesn’t exist because that
Celestial Mechanics fail to calculate the real effect provoked by Nature.
The so called
negative acceleration is only the difference between the values calculated with
Newton equations
and the Sun actual mass. The force that
provokes the Satellite acceleration is bigger than the calculated, since the
actual mass is bigger than the used, which, of course, is also calculated with Newton gravitation equation.
Equation F = G M* m* / d2
F = Force, G = Gravitational Constant, M = Solar Mass, m = Satellite mass, * = Mass Increment
The Autodynamics
Celestial Mechanics provide a bigger value than the Newtonian one.
To see how the mass increment is
get see:
A-20- Autodynamics Gravitation
Applied to Lageos-Mercury.
To clear understand the
Autodynamics Gravitation Mechanics see:
Quantum Universal Gravitation
Autodynamics is supported by many results get from many
different applications
It explains: The
motion creation (Planets Perihelion Advance and Lageos
The increasing Gravitation
in Eclipse Time.
The increasing Galaxies
size looking at billions year far away.
Moon receding from Earth.
Spacecraft Assist
Gravitation Non-Propagation
velocity. The Graviton has velocity;
Gravitation has NOT. It is actually present in the whole Universe.
It is Paramount
to point it out here that the Autodynamics’ author didn’t invent neither any
theory nor any particular hypothesis to explain each phenomenon.
It is a simple mechanism after elevating to a Universal Law
two concepts very well known: Mass Decay-Energy Absorption.
We made a simple program to calculate the Solar mass
correctly using the Pioneer 10-11 “real position and fly’s time”. (We are not totally
sure of the data because NASA never answered any question).
From the program
output we include only three values for acceleration proving the given
values and the actual Solar mass, which, of course doesn’t give any
***anomaly.*** The Pioneer position is given by Nature and the anomaly is
introduce by ourselves, due to the fail of Newton Static equation corrected by
Autodynamics , the New Paradigm by Carezani, as a dynamics one with his Quantum
Universal Gravitation and consequently with his new Celestial Mechanics.
The Program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <bios.h>
#define t 2.3974683E17
/* Seconds in 7.504 Billion/year */
#define d1 10.0E13
/* Pioneer d1 distance in cm */
#define d2 21.0E13
/* “ d2
“ “ */
#define d3 30.0E13
/* “ d3
“ “ */
#define G 6.67259E-8
/* Gravitational Constant in
cm^3/gr sec^2 */
#define M 1.9891E33
/* Sun Mass in gr */
#define P 2.6698913E30
/* All planets Mass in gr */
#define MP 1.99176989E33 /* Total Mass (Sun + Planets) in
gr) */
#define Sy 3.157056E7
/* Second in ONE year */
#define a1c 10.3E-8 /* Anomaly Acceleration measure
#define a2c 8.05E-8 /* “ “ “ */
#define a3c 6.3E-8 /* “ “ “ */
a1,a2,a3,as3,as1, a1t, a3t, ,M1,M2,M3,Minc,Msec,My,Mt,Mfo,A,
Print(“ ***** NEWTON ’S MECHANICS *****\n\n”);
a1 = (G * M)
/ (d1 * d1);
=%2.10E Acceleration at d1 distance\n\n”.a1);
a2 = G * M) /
(d2 * d2);
printf (“a2 =
%2.10E Acceleration at d2 distance\n\n”,a2);
a3 = (G * M)
/ (d3 * d3);
printf(“a3 =
%2.10E Acceleration at d3 distance\n\n”,a3);
printf(“ ***** CAREZANI’S
M1 = (a1c *
d1 * d1) / G;
printf(“M1 =
%2.15E Solar mass in time 1 \n\n”,M1);
M2 = (a2c *
d2 * d2) / G;
printf(“M2 =
%2.15E Solar mass in time 2 \n\n”,M2);
M3 = (a3c *
d3 * d3) / G;
printf(“M3 =
%2.15E Solar mass in time 3 \n\n”,M3);
My = Msec *
Sy * 27;
printf((“My =
%2.10E Total mass increment in 27 year\n\n”,My);
Mfo = M + M3;
printf(“Mfo =
%2.15E Final observed mass (M+M3)\n\n”,Mfo);
Mfc = M + My;
printf(“Mfc =
%2.20E Total (M+My) mass in 27 year\n\n\”,Mfc);
Mi = (Mfo –
Mfc) + M;
=2.29E Actual Sun Mass ((Mfo-Mfc)+M)\n\n”,Mi);
Mad = (Mi – M) / 1E33;
printf(“Mad =
%2.20E Mass ((Mi-M)/11E33) needed to be added to M\n\n”,Mad);
as3 =a3
=%2.15E Acceleration SUM (a3+a3c)\n\n”,as3);
a3t = (G +
Mi) / (d3 * d3);
printf(“a3t =
%2.15E Acceleration TEST ((G*Mi)/(d3*de)\n\n”,a3r);
as1 = a1
printf(“as1 =
%2.15E Acceleration SUM (a1+a1C
a1t = (G *
Mi) / (d1 * d1);
= %2.15E Acceleration TEST((G*Mi)/(d1*d1)\n\n”,a1t);
Program output:
Only two values; Sum and Test
a3t = 1.4747795246456E-3
as1 =
a1t =
Actual Sun
1.989184967428E+033 A difference in the 5th decimal position.
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